Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dear heavens, I hope this is a joke...

I really, really do... but I'm afraid it may not be.

A note for lab workers who do not wish to be brutally murdered:

If someone else in your lab has washed a piece of equipment for her own use, and has set it aside to dry, away from all other pieces of equipment, do not take that piece of equipment without asking. Not even if it's the last one available, because, hey, maybe the person who washed it actually needs it! Maybe you're not the only productive worker in the lab!

Also, if you use the last of something, do not put the empty bottle/box back on the shelf. (I've found empty boxes/bottles THREE times in the two days!) Reorder the damn thing. And if you have used all of a kind of equipment that must be autoclaved, autoclave it yourself! Do not wait for a woman to do it for you. (This seems to be SOP in the lab. Leave all autoclaving and/or tip box refilling for one of two women to do. Guess what: not cool.)

I have had about a half a dozen times in the last two days where I have been royally screwed by people being just plain inconsiderate. Do not be a jerk, for I will wish plagues of irate ducks on you.


Monday, January 5, 2009

You know you're a total geek when...

You see this comic and go, "Hey, cool! I already know LaTex! I'm a bigger geek than the grad student in PhD comics!" (Obviously I'm using a very... special definition of the word "cool" here). cute (and yet so dumb, really)

Two kids in Germany decide to go to Africa (because it's warm in Africa) to get married. Problems: no passport, no money, nobody over the age of 7.

Very cute, and yet pretty dumb. I may have gone around dropping things as a child to prove that gravity was still working the way I thought it should (after encountering my first helium balloon as a toddler), but I never thought I'd get away with going to another continent without anybody noticing.