1. Closed on house (hurrah!)
2. Got icky summer cold (boo!)
3. Found new crystallization conditions for protein at work (geeky yay!)
4. Was attacked by monster mosquito from hell. I mean, seriously folks... one bite. And my forehead is grotesquely swollen. When people see it they recoil in horror (literally). It looks like I have a congenital disorder that results in swollen heads. Am wearing hat. Have taken/applied two benadryl, and roughly a metric ton of 1% hydrocortisone cream. Neither have noticeable effect except that now I'm all spacey from the benadryl (which I took last night).
Vermont mosquitoes take their job seriously, man. Vemont: not for wimps and commies. Well, not for wimps, anyway. Commies always welcome.