Friday, October 24, 2008

Today, in really creepy science news...

And you thought your cats were weird. Because, you know, all the world needs is a freaky glowing cat. Do I sense an Ignoble award coming up?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why am I surrounded by stupid people?!?

If you were to invite an outside speaker to speak at your club meeting, and if she asked you repeatedly over the course of the month to give her *some idea* of what you actually wanted to speak about, wouldn't you give her that information? 

So apparently I'm giving some nebulous presentation about "Women in Science." This will be a pretty short presentation: "There are women in science. We do science."

I'm sure they're gonna love it...

[Edit: Three hours and fifteen minutes before the stupid thing is supposed to start I get a list of questions they might want me to think about answering. To recap: advanced notice= good. Having only 3.25 hours of said advanced notice= bad.

Edit edit: They gave me chocolate. All is forgiven. Well, not really, but most is forgiven. A significant portion, anyway.]