So... apparently the state of Vermont has no building code for single family residences (read: houses). This means that, despite the fact that the house is only safely a three bedroom house, they can list it as a four bedroom house. So, the upshot of all this is that, despite the fact that Mr. Real Estate Agent committed fraud, we still have to buy the house. That's ok, I suppose, since we like the house and the buyer decided to give us back some money at closing (read: don't sue!)
Mr. RE Agent, on the other hand, is still in deep doo-doo. We're going to report him as soon as we close. He's in for one... fun and interesting investigation from the licensing board. Admitting to our lawyer he knowingly mislisted the house = stupid.
[Content temp. edited away]
(Image once again from the hilarious Devil's Panties).
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