Yay for cheap books... I found a whole bunch of David Eddings books for 75c each on Saturday at my church's holiday bazaar. And the entire set of Chronicles of Narnia for, like, $5. And then I found 5 Agatha Christie mysteries in the used book section of Barnes and Nobles for $5. I am a happy little (poor broke grad student) bookworm. I have this dream that someday I will be able to purchase entire series of book for *gasp* full price. Full price book purchasing= the true American dream. (For you lucky foreigners reading this, the definition of "American Dream" is very fluid, but generally refers to a plucky young poor (but not the wrong kind of poor, of course) person bucking society and making oodles of money. Apple pie may also play a part, but I'm not sure how).
Interesting. The american keyboard has the dollar sign but not the cent sign... *goes to look up magic key combination to get cent sign*
In other news... mmmmmmm.....sugary caffeine. One of my house guests from this weekend snores so loudly that it kept me awake through the wall. Finally I gave up and slept in basement, where snoring, while audible even through earplugs, was somewhat abated. Am sleepy little Sam today.
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