Am too busy doing real life stuff to be bothered with "trying to get published stuff". (Oh, who am I kidding? I'm just tired of rejection letters). I passed my PhD qualifying exam last week, which is very nice and gives me a lot more time. On the other hand, I'm TAing a class of... shall we say non-biologists? In another section of the class yesterday three (yes, three!) students managed to catch their lab gloves on fire. I didn't even know that was possible! And to think I missed it all... the one section I don't TA has all the excitement. Wow. These kids find new and exciting ways to put themselves in danger. Who knew you could have so much fun with a bunsen burner? I mean, I've certainly considered the possibility of toasting marshmallows with a culture needle over the burner, but not so much with the setting myself on fire.
I had a chemistry lecturer who refused to leave his perch on the distilled water barrel (3 metres away from the nearest desk/ bunsen burner/ student) when teaching first or second year students. He deigned to get a little closer for third years.
That's funny. All my chemistry lecturers spent most of their time (or so it seemed) blowing up balloons filled with hydrogen or pure oxygen or something else really really flammable. You sat in the front row on peril of your life.
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