Friday, September 12, 2008

Nom nom...eww?

We have two lovely and devoted (when they want food) cats. One of these cats, Eve, is dumb as a post. The other one, Anya, is both reasonably intelligent (for a cat), and dutiful.

Before Anya's injury we used to let her roam around free outside. In appreciation of this she would bring us nice little presents, such as the ever-popular half eaten mouse. Unfortunately, she got seriously creamed by something (car? cow? who knows), so we keep her inside now. Apparently she has been worried about how to give us presents in her mobility-limited new lifestyle.

The result? Last night Anya came bounding into the kitchen from the garage. Seeing Mr. Sam standing at the sink, she proudly offered her newest gift: a dead cricket. Nice to know she still loves us... I think?

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